Series 1: Self Cultivation
The first series in CIT covers the manner in which one relates to oneself. It includes an exploration of knowledge and skills related to the inner workings of an individual. The series is built on the value of an increased level of personal well-being (self-cultivation) being necessary in order to foster better relationships with others and contribute to the community.

Series 2: Relating to Others
The second series focuses on improving one’s relationship with others and ensuring that the relationship is one that promotes the wellbeing of oneself and others. Here, one learns how to self-regulate and restrain from harming others through the strengthening of pro-social attributes such as forgiveness, gratitude, impartiality, empathy, and compassion.

Series 3: Engaging in Systems
The third and last series of CIT involves recognizing the interdependent nature of the world we live in, including the interdependence of the systems we interact with daily. The focus here is on developing the skills and discernment to act effectively for constructive change within those systems.